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H&S Bach flowers student happiness tea bag. Cheap


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H&S Bach flowers student happiness tea bag.

H&S Schülerglück ® -Tee – organic Bach flower tea
Concentration and joy in learning

The name sounds provocative when you are supposed to learn the basics, cramming terms and vocabulary. Often the thoughts wander, are at the soccer match, with the friends, in the tree house. Concentrated, attentive, tolerant in everyday school life, focusing your mental powers on the essentials and having the mental energy to remember what you have learned in good time – that is what many children and parents want. Our Bach flower tea Schülerglück tastes fruity and delicious and serves as a refreshing drink for the students in everyday life.

The Bach flower essences used stand for:
White Chestnut (Concentration), Clematis (Spiritual Presence), Chestnut Bud (Learning from Experience), Beech (Tolerance), Holly (Trust), Larch (Self-Awareness), Heather (Purposeful Communication), Water Violet (Social Skills).

Recommendation: Pamper yourself with a cup of this tea several times a day. Naturally flavored organic fruit tea with original Bach flowers.

Sensory: fruity and mild taste of strawberry.

Ingredients: organic rose hips, organic apples, organic hibiscus flowers, natural aroma, organic licorice root, organic orange peel, Bach flower composition, organic lemon peel.
Preparation: Pour fresh, bubbly boiling water over 1 filter bag for a cup.

Drawing time: 8 minutes.

Sheet grading processing: fine cut fannings
Organic product: DE-001 Öko Kontrollstelle
High-quality 20 filter bags with
individual seals for individual use


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