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OSS-REGEN Drops 100 ml Ruta graveolens, Equisetum arvense, guaiacum Online Hot Sale


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OSS-REGEN Drops 100 ml Ruta graveolens, Equisetum arvense, guaiacum

OSS-REGEN spag. Drops Ruta graveolens, Equisetum arvense, guaiacum

Active ingredients

  • 35 mg Asa foetida D3
  • 135 mg Acidum phosphoricum D3
  • 120 mg Galipea officinalis-spag. Peka D4
  • 155 mg Bellis perennis-spag. Peka D3
  • 145 mg Bryonia cretica-spag. Peka D4
  • 145 mg guaiacum D3
  • 135 mg Ruta graveolens-spag. Peka D3
  • 130 mg Equisetum arvense mother tincture
    • Auxiliary materials

      • Ethanol
        • Ruta graveolens, Equisetum arvense, guaiacum Ingredients
          100 g contain:


          Asa foetida

              D 3 3.5 g

          Acidum phosphoricum

             D 3 13.5 g

          Galipea officinalis spag. Peka (Angustura)

             D 4 12.0 g

          Bryonia cretica spag. Peka

             D 4 14.5 g


          D 3 14.5 g

          Bellis perennis spag. Peka

            D 3 15.5 g

          Ruta graveolens spag. Peka

           D 3 13.5 g

          Equisetum arvense

             Ø 13.0 g


          Ruta graveolens, Equisetum arvense, guaiacum Areas of application
          Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no therapeutic indication is given. Medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist during use.

          OSS-REGEN Ruta graveolens, Equisetum arvense, guaiacum Dosage
          Unless otherwise prescribed: In acute conditions, take 5 drops in a little water every half to full hour, no more than 6 times a day. Use for more than a week should only be done after consulting a homeopathic therapist. In chronic forms, take 5 drops 1 to 3 times a day in a little water. If the symptoms improve, the frequency of use should be reduced.

          OSS-REGEN Ruta graveolens, Equisetum arvense, guaiacum Notes
          5 drops contain 0.03 g of alcohol.

          Asa foetida benefits

          While studies on asafoetida are quite limited, early research suggests that it may have additional benefits, including:

          • Antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial effects. …
          • Help lower blood pressure. …
          • Anticancer effects. …
          • Protect brain health. …
          • Help ease asthma symptoms. …
          • Help lower blood sugar levels.
            • Acidum phosphoricum benefits

              It effectively treats physical as well as mental weakness caused due to grief or trauma. It helps improve memory and concentration and is helpful in treating weakness and exhaustion caused due to loss of vital fluids. Loss of fluids can also cause hair loss and Phosphoricum effectively treats and prevents hair fall.

              Galipea officinalis benefits

              What is Angostura used for?

              Angostura is a plant. The bark is used to make medicine. People take angostura for treating fever, diarrhea, and spasms; and for preventing the return of malaria. Large doses of angostura are used to empty the bowels and cause vomiting.

              Bellis perennis benefits

              Native to Europe and North Africa, it has been used in traditional medicine in Europe since the Middle Ages to treat bruises, broken bones, muscle pain, cutaneous wounds, and rheumatism. Other skin applications include eczema, boils, inflammation, and purulent skin disease.

              Bryonia cretica uses

              Despite serious safety concerns, bryonia is used as a laxative to relieve constipation and as an emetic. Emetics are medicines that are used to cause vomiting. Bryonia is also used to treat stomach and intestinal diseases, lung diseases, arthritis, liver disease, and metabolic disorders; and to prevent infections.

              guaiacum benefits

              People take guaiac wood for muscle and joint pain (rheumatism), breathing problems, skin disorders, and syphilis. It is also used for preventing gout. Guaiac wood is used in mouthwashes to kill bacteria. In the laboratory, guaiac resin is used in tests for finding hidden blood in urine and stool.

              Ruta graveolens benefits

              Widely grown in different parts of the world, this herb has historically been in use since the ancient times. Its documented therapeutic uses include the treatment of inflammatory conditions, eczema, ulcers, arthritis, fibromyalgia, antidote for venoms, insect repellent, and as an abortifacient.

              Equisetum arvense benefits

              Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is an herbal remedy that dates back to ancient Roman and Greek times. It was used traditionally to stop bleeding, heal ulcers and wounds, and treat tuberculosis and kidney problems. The name Equisetum is derived from the Latin roots equus, meaning horse, and seta, meaning bristle.


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