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PEKANA complex number 6 globules 10 g Chionanthus virginicus Supply


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PEKANA complex number 6 globules

Active ingredients

  • 1.45 mg Peumus boldus-spag. Peka D4
  • 1.25 mg Chionanthus virginicus D4
  • 1.45 mg Cynara scolymus D4
  • 1.25 mg Iberis amara D6
  • 1.40 mg Lycopodium clavatum D4
  • 1.25 mg Mandragora e radice siccata-spag. Peka D6
  • 0.85 mg Phosphorus D10
  • 1.10 mg Taraxacum officinale-spag. Peka D12
    • Auxiliary materials

      • Sucrose
        • Pekana® Complex No. 06
          Homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no therapeutic indication is given.

          How is Pekana® Complex No. 06 to be used?
          Unless otherwise prescribed, adults take 10 globules 4-5 times a day.

          Schoolchildren 8 globules 3 – 4 times a day.

          Children under 6 years of age 4 – 6 globules 3 – 4 times a day.

          Let the globules slowly dissolve in your mouth.

          10 g globules contain medicinally active ingredients: Boldo D4 14.5 mg, Chionanthus virginicus D4 12.5 mg, Cynara scolymus D4 14.5 mg, Ieris amara D6 12.5 mg, Lycopodium D4 14.0 mg, Mandragora e wheel. D6 12.5 mg, Phosphorus D10 8.5 mg, Taraxacum D12 11.0 mg.

          Carrier: sucrose.

          peumus boldus benefits

          Boldo is used for mild gastrointestinal (GI) spasms, gallstones, achy joints (rheumatism), bladder infections, liver disease, and gonorrhea. It is also to increase urine flow to rid the body of excess fluids, reduce anxiety, increase bile flow, and kill bacteria.

          Chionanthus virginicus benefits

          Traditionally, the bark is used to make a tea which is consumed in order to reduce fever, relieve dyspepsia, jaundice, gallstones, to stimulate vomiting, to treat hepatitis, colic, headache, migraines, and malaria, and has been consumed due to beneficial effects on kidney and liver inflammations.

          Cynara scolymus benefits

          Here are the top health benefits of artichokes and artichoke extract.

          • Loaded With Nutrients. …
          • May Lower Bad LDL Cholesterol and Increase Good HDL Cholesterol. …
          • May Help Regulate Blood Pressure. …
          • May Improve Liver Health. …
          • May Improve Digestive Health. …
          • May Ease Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. …
          • May Help Lower Blood Sugar.
            • Iberis amara benefits

              The effect of Iberis amara on the gastrointestinal tract

              As part of Iberogast®, the extracts from dried bitter candytuft flowers can quickly combat feelings of fullness, while additionally regulating acid production and contributing to protect the mucosa and thus, might relieve heartburn.

              Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc) is a widely used homeopathic medicine for the liver, urinary and digestive disorders. Recently, acetyl cholinesterase (AchE) inhibitory activity has been found in Lyc alkaloid extract, which could be beneficial in dementia disorder.

              Mandragora e radice benefits

              European mandrake root for treating stomach ulcers, colic, constipation, asthma, hay fever, convulsions, arthritis-like pain (rheumatism), and whooping cough. It is also used to trigger vomiting, cause sleepiness (sedation), reduce pain, and increase interest in sexual activity.

              phosphorus homeopathy benefits

              Phosphorus is commonly for irritating coughs and sore throats. Pains may be burning with a desire to sip cold drinks. Very sensitive to all impressions, the senses may become very acute and they may have many fears.

              What is Taraxacum officinale used for?

              Although most people think of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a pesky weed, the plant has long been used in herbal medicine to aid in digestion and help stimulate appetite. The entire dandelion plant from root to blossom is edible with a slightly bitter, chicory-like taste.