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PETVITAL V 70 globules for bird on Sale


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Petvital V line 70

Pack size: 10 g

For diarrhea and poor circulation

Unfortunately, pet birds often get diarrheal diseases due to many different causes. Wrong nutrition or contaminated food, poisoning by indoor plants or chemical substances (eg curtain lead!) Can be the cause. Inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), stressful situations or viral infections are also among the triggers. The excrement is watery and foul-smelling, the plumage in the cloaca area is sticky. The bird puffs up and shows increased fluid intake.
Therefore, in this phase, the water should be enriched with minerals and vitamins in addition to V 70 drops. Diarrhea means a rapid loss of body fluids and minerals. This can put the bird in a life-threatening condition. Emaciation and weakness can also be visible signs of diarrhea. Quick action by the animal owner is therefore the top priority. If the diarrhea has an infectious cause (caused by bacteria, fungi or parasites), a visit to the vet is essential.
In the case of non-infectious causes, V 70 helps quickly and sustainably and gently cleanses the gastrointestinal area. The active components of V 70 are real chamomile (Chamomilla) in potentised form and the pituitary root (Ipecacuanha), a Brazilian bed herb – both of which are very common remedies in homeopathy.

Areas of application: diarrhea, poor circulation

It applies to all PETVITAL V preparations:
Content: 10g (approx. 1200 globules)

The administration takes place via the feed or via the drinking water. Depending on the size, 3-8 globules per animal are calculated on approx. 100ml drinking water. The preparations are administered for one to two days or up to several weeks, depending on the area of ​​application. There is no getting used to.

A healthy animal that ingests PETVITAL V globules does not suffer any disadvantages as a result, the preparation simply has no effect on him. It is therefore not necessary to separate healthy animals from those to be treated. Contraindications, side effects and interactions with other preparations are not known.

Warning noticeFor information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.

Active ingredients

  • Chamomilla recutita C12
  • Cephaelis ipecacuanha C24
  • Veratrum album 30C
    • Auxiliary materials

      • Sucrose
        • Unfortunately, pet birds often get diarrheal diseases due to many different causes.

          Wrong nutrition or contaminated food, poisoning by indoor plants or chemical substances (eg curtain lead!) Can be the cause.

          Inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), stressful situations or viral infections are also among the triggers.

          The excrement is watery and foul-smelling, the plumage in the cloaca area is sticky. The bird puffs up and shows increased fluid intake.

          Therefore, in this phase, the water should be enriched with minerals and vitamins in addition to V 70 drops.

          Diarrhea means a rapid loss of body fluids and minerals.

          This can put the bird in a life-threatening condition.

          Emaciation and weakness can also be visible signs of diarrhea.

          Quick action by the animal owner is therefore the top priority.

          If the diarrhea has an infectious cause (caused by bacteria, fungi or parasites), a visit to the vet is essential.

          In the case of non-infectious causes, V 70 helps quickly and sustainably and gently cleanses the gastrointestinal area.

          The active components of V 70 are real chamomile (Chamomilla) in potentised form and the pituitary root (Ipecacuanha), a Brazilian bed herb – both of which are very common remedies in homeopathy.

          Areas of application:
          diarrhea, poor circulation.

          The administration takes place via the feed or via the drinking water.

          Depending on the size, 3-8 globules per animal are calculated on approx. 100ml drinking water.

          The preparations are administered for one to two days or up to several weeks, depending on the area of ​​application.

          There is no getting used to.

          A healthy animal that ingests PETVITAL V globules does not suffer any disadvantages as a result, the preparation simply has no effect on him.

          It is therefore not necessary to separate healthy animals from those to be treated.

          Contraindications, side effects and interactions with other preparations are not known.


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